Official scores for 4490-Fall 2010.  Please do not ask for a grade change unless you identify an error in my math or you have evidence of an error. Thanks.  Dr. Craig


final grade



Portfoli o (100)

paper (100)

Presen tation (50)

Outline & referen ces (20)

Topic propos al presen tation

Compl ete Draft on time

partici pation (50)

Blog Work (30)

Blog Compil ation (20)

Syllab us Quiz (20)

Portfoli o Forew ord (20)

Resum e (20)

cover letter (20)

Extra Credit

Presen tation Raw Grade

Assignments and Blogs


#late/ missi ng assig nmen ts

blog posts

Blog- Whee lan

Blog- resume & cvr letter reading s

Blog- Intervie wing Readin g

Blog- Intervie wing Insights

Blog- Financia l Mgmt reading s

Blog- unspun respon se

Blog- R. Kidder Readin gs/Ethic al Decisio ns

EC Blog- Unspin ning a current issue

assgnm t pts: late/mis sing (1) & poor (.5)

Portfoli o Plan/Re view

3 Topics for Paper (DB)

Forewo rd Draft (blog)


Paper Topic Propos al

Portfolio Draft

Rough Resume

Rough Cover letter

Ethical Dilemma

Intervei w Questio ns

Paper Draft

Powerp oint draft

Draft Present ation

Focus Group


x=did not submit or unsatisfactory

LL =late submission

i=incomplete submission

us=unsatisfactory pass

y- or s-=satifactory poor

y or s-=satifactory