Horn Lessons

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Horn Mansfield University

MAP 2241, 3341, 4441, 5541, 6641


Dr. Rebecca Dodson-Webster
G8 Butler Music Center
office phone: 4713

Course Objectives

·         The Mansfield horn student should achieve a level of mastery appropriate to his or her experience, ability, and professional goals.  Horn students are expected to gain a knowledge and mastery of standard and contemporary literature; including exercises, solos, and ensembles.  All students receive instruction in pedagogy and literature, including literature for horn ensembles.  Students may be asked to observe other horn lessons, and participate in supervised teaching situations.

Required Materials

·         Lesson repertoire will be assigned throughout the semester.  Students are encouraged to bring a notebook to the lesson, in which they should keep track of assignments and comments.  Depending on the technology available, students are encouraged to bring recording media (cassettes, CD-R/RW’s, minidisks, etc.) for use in the lesson and for study outside of the lesson. 

Office Hours

Office hours will be posted on my office door (Butler G8) after lesson times and other TBA classes have been set.  Please check my door after the first week of classes, or contact me for an appointment.

Blackboard Website

MU 2241, 3341, 5541, 6641 will be supplemented by a course management system called Blackboard. Please visit the MU Blackboard site for more information.


Specific assignments will be made at each lesson.  Students typically prepare a solo or solo passage, etudes, scales, and orchestral excerpts for each lesson. It is important to practice efficiently and consistently throughout the week, and to come to your lesson prepared to perform and learn. 


Your semester jury is your final exam for this class.  All students registered for lessons must perform a jury at the end of each semester.  Juries are designed to give you the chance to present what you have learned during the semester.  Juries will include scales and arpeggios as assigned, and the performance of a solo and/or excerpts.  You are encouraged to use an accompanist for your jury, but this is not required. Appropriate and professional performance dress is required for your jury.


Students enrolled in horn lessons are required to attend the weekly horn masterclass.  This class will consist of various activities, including peer performance and critique, relevant research, listening, ensembles, chamber music, etc.  Masterclass assignments and projects will be announced during the semester. 


You will receive a grade at each lesson of + (well prepared), √ (somewhat prepared, average), – (unprepared), or NS (no show-unexcused).  Your final grade will be a combination of this lesson grade, performances during the semester (you should expect to perform at least twice), and your jury performance.


Attendance is mandatory at horn lessons and masterclasses. If you know in advance that you must miss a lesson or masterclass for an excused reason (bereavement, university-sponsored trip, etc.), you should contact me, and try to switch with another student for that week. If a lesson is cancelled by the instructor, this lesson will be made up at the earliest mutual convenience.  Sanctioned University events will not be considered an absence so long as written documentation is provided.

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to submit to do their own academic work. Dishonesty in academic work, including cheating, academic misconduct, fabrication, or plagiarism is unacceptable. Faculty are expected to instruct students in ways of avoiding these forms of academic dishonesty. Faculty are also responsible for assessing and reporting all charges of academic dishonesty to the Office of the Provost. The student handbook, The Password, outlines the procedures faculty will use to initiate disciplinary action in cases of academic dishonesty.

Special Services

Mansfield University adheres to the requirements of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. If you need an accommodation under this Act due to a disability, contact Bill Chabala at academic & Human Development, 662-4798.

If personal problems are keeping you from completing your coursework, you may find it beneficial to visit the counseling center. All students are entitled to free, confidential, professional counseling. The office is located at South Hall 213, 662-4695.

 Class Cancellations Due to Illness or Inclement Weather

If the University is closed due to inclement weather, lessons will not meet, and the schedule will be adjusted accordingly.  Lesson cancellations due to instructor illness or other emergency will be announced as soon as possible through the music office, or if time permits, by email through the Blackboard system.


Mansfield University
©2001 Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
Last Reviewed on  09/14/2005 .