MATH-101/101A Mathematical Thinking | |
Basic class information
Week 1. August 26 - August 30.
Day |
Covers |
etc. |
Tuesday |
Syllabus, short introduction to topics we'll cover. | Read about voting theory (starts on page 35) up to and including at least the Borda count method. |
Thursday |
We'll start on voting theory--the preference schedule, the plurality method, and the majority criterion. | Read about voting theory
(starts on page 35) up to and including at least the Borda
count method. Exercises beginning on page 53: 1, 2, 3a-3c. Homework #1 is on D2L provided we cover the majority criterion. (Found in the quiz section) |
Week 2. September 2 - September
6. |
Day |
Covers |
etc. |
Monday |
No Classes |
No Classes |
Tuesday Add/Drop |
The Condorcet criterion,
Insincere Voting, Plurality with Eliminations. |
3e, 4e, 7, 17, 3d, 4d, 9, 14, 18. Do homework #2 on D2L. (Found in the quiz section) |
Thursday |
The monotonicity criterion,
Borda count. I have notes from an online version: Introduction to voting theory. Voting theory framework. Voting theory framework part II. |
3d, 4d, 9, 14, 18. Homework #3 is on D2L and covers Borda count. |
Week 3. September 9 - September 13. | ||
Day |
Covers |
etc. |
Tuesday |
Conclusions to Borda count. Copeland's method which I call pairwise
comparisons. Independence of irrelevant alternatives criterion. |
Exercises: 3, 4 (all
parts). 13, 15, 16, 19, 20. Homework #4 is on D2L and covers pairwise comparisons. |
Thursday |
Conclusions on voting
theory. Arrow's Impossibility theorem. Is IIA a fair
criterion? Weighted voting systems. Starts on page 59. |
1 is on D2L and covers all of voting
theory. Take it before the next class. Starting on page 70 in the book, Anything in 1-8 is good. 19, 20. |
Week 4. September 16 - September 20. |
Day |
Covers |
etc. |
Tuesday |
Thursday |
Coalitions and counting coalitions. Here's how I count coalitions.. The Banzhof power index. | 9 - 14 are good
problems. You should be reading the chapter as we go
along. Do homework #5 covering the basics of weighted voting when you are ready. Do homework #6 (Banzhof and coalitions) on D2L when you have tried the book problems. |
Week 5. September 23 - September 27. | ||
Day |
Covers |
etc. |
Tuesday |
Sequential coalitions. A word about counting sequential coalitions. The Shapley-Shubik power index. | 15 - 18 are good, 21. Do homework #7 (Shapley Shubik) on D2L when you have tried the book problems. Quiz 2 will be ready soon. It will cover weighted voting. |
Thursday |
The last of weighted voting. Fair division concepts and terminology. Divider-chooser. Starts on page 93. | Starting on page 108,
exercises 1 - 6. Do homework #8 (basics of fair division) when you are ready. |
Week 6. September 30 - October 4. |
Day |
Covers |
etc. |
Tuesday |
The lone-divider method for 3 players and more. | Exercises 7, 8, 17a and
b, 18, 19. Homework #9 covers lone divider. Take it soon. |
Thursday |
Last Diminisher. The method of sealed bids. |
11-14 are good
problems. Be sure to try 15. Homework #10 covers (mostly) last diminisher. Add 9, 10. Homework #11 is about the method of sealed bids. Take Quiz 3 on fair division before the test. |
Week 7. October 7 - October 11. | ||
Day |
Covers |
etc. |
Tuesday |
Review for test 1.
Bring any questions. |
Thursday |
Test 1. | |
Friday (Grades) |
Week 8. October 14 - October 18. |
Day |
Covers |
etc. |
Tuesday |
Concepts of graph theory. (Starts on 117 in the book.) | 1 - 8 starting on page 146. Do homework #12 (basics of graph theory) on D2L when you have tried the book problems. |
Thursday |
Euler circuits, Euler paths, and Fleury's algorithm. | 11, 12. Do homework #13 (Euler's theorems) on D2L. |
Week 9. October 21 - October 25. | ||
Day |
Covers |
etc. |
Tuesday |
Dijkstra's algorithm. | 9, 10. Quiz 4 is online! |
Thursday |
Quiz 5 on Dijkstra's algorithm is in class! There will not be make-ups. |
Week 10. October 28 - November 1. |
Day |
Covers |
etc. |
Tuesday |
Eulerizations, optimal Eulerizations, Hamilton paths and circuits. Complete graphs. | 13 - 18. |
Thursday |
The Traveling Salesperson
Problem. (TSP) An example. The nearest
neighbor and repetitive nearest neighbor algorithm. |
19-22 just part a. for
each. 27 (consider complete graphs up to n=10) 31. |
Week 11. November 4 - November 8. |
Day |
Covers |
etc. |
Tuesday |
The repetitive nearest neighbor algorithm. Another example. | 19-22 just part a. for
each. 27 (consider complete graphs up to n=10) 31. Do homework #14 (Nearest neighbor solutions to the TSP) on D2L. |
Thursday |
The cheapest link algorithm. | 19-22, the rest of the
problem. Do homework #15 (cheapest link solutions to the TSP) on D2L. Take Quiz 6 on the TSP when you are ready, before the next class. |
Week 12. November 11 - November 15.
Day |
Covers |
etc. |
Tuesday |
Trees. Minimum network problems. Kruskal’s Algorithm | 23 - 25. |
Thursday |
Week 13. November 18
- November 22. |
Day |
Covers |
etc. |
Tuesday |
Review of graph theory. An example.
solutions. |
Take Quiz 7 on the minimum spanning tree when you are ready. |
Thursday |
Test 2. |
Thanksgiving Week. November 25 - November 29. | ||
Day |
Covers |
etc. |
Monday |
Tuesday |
No classes. | No classes. |
Wednesday |
No classes. | No classes. |
Thursday |
No classes. | No classes. |
Friday |
No classes. | No classes. |
Week 14. December 2 - December 6. |
Day |
Covers |
etc. |
Tuesday |
Thursday |
Review for the final.
Bring me questions. |
Week 15 / Finals Week. December 9 - December 13. See the final exam schedule on the registrar's page. All finals are in the same room as the class. |
Day |
Exam |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Math Thinking:
Tuesday, December 10, 2024 from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM Stats: Tuesday, December 10, 2024 from 10:15 AM to 12:15 PM |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |